Friday, August 3, 2012

Another day

Thank you so much for nice comments, but really it's all God. We are very blessed that we have this chance to have V with us. This little boy was scared to death, and didnt' do well in his previous family. There is a reason why V is staying with us, and we were able to communicate with we, because we do speak Ukrainian. 

We were blessed by one of Sergey's co-worker with this "walkers", I have no idea what to call them :) Boys enjoying a lot and learning to walk like this. So far Danik is the best, and the fastest walker , but Danilka is stubborn too, so we will see:) I told them that once they will learn how to walk they will play soccer on this "walkers" :)
 V and Danik on the swing.

 V is trying to walk, so cute:) He is not good at it yet, and Danik from behind trying to hold him for a picture :)

 Playing wii

Sergey were able to sign up boys for school today Danik 4th grade and Stasik 2nd. In less than a week school will start for my boys. They are not too excited!!


  1. Im happy that your family was able to host V for his remaining few weeks.. and that he is doing so well with you! The "walkers" are called "stilts" by the way.

    And you said once that you post explaining why you kept all the kids names the same and have 3 Daniels. Does it cause a lot of confusion?

  2. Thank you , now I know correct word for "walkers" , stilts :)
    Thank you for reminding me about names, I am still trying to go through pictures, and I do have few posts in my mind. I will try to make a post soon about boys names.
