Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Once nobody to everyone on this world, and today they are in the family, and they are our sons. Thank you God!

Danik and Stasik are amazing little boys. Sergey and I are very proud of them. When these two entered our heart, life and house, sure our life and house did become more crazier, loud, and more fun.
These two little boys did change us, as a couple, and our life in a better, much better way.

I am thankful for our 2,5 weeks home with boys, and I happy that we are finally all together!  :) Our life getting back to normal, and it does have routine, not 100%, but we are getting there.
I know that we will still have our bumps and ups, but God is with us, and we can see His loving hand in our family. We are still bonding as a family, and it will take time. I was worried about all 4 boys, I was afraid that they will fight, and it will be more challenging a first few weeks. We are thankful that I was wrong, and God is doing amazing work in our family. Kids dont' fight, and they do get along really good. Yes, they do have "brothers" moments, but it's not even close to fighting, or big arguments.

I just love seeing all my kids playing together, and I enjoy seeing them happy! God is amazing God!


  1. God is amazing and I am so glad everything is working out so well.


  2. Yes, God is an amazing God! Amen. Kelly

  3. It is awesome how He brought you together! :)
    Praise the Lord!

  4. It is wonderful to hear all the children get along so well, and that you are all getting settled into a routine. I enjoy reading how everyone is doing.
