Sunday, July 8, 2012

One week home

It's been one week and 2 days since we brought our two boys home. I can honestly say that they are fitting well in our family. Yes, it's not easy sometimes as we go through the process, and getting to know each other. It does get overwhelming, especially during lunch/dinner times, but with every day it get's easier and easier. Sergey and I learning to parent, and meet all  needs of our 5 kids.

Danilka probably has a hardest time to adjust to the boys. He was ready to have brothers, and wanted to have brother or sister, but it's not easy for him. Before we brought Danik and Stasik, Denny and ElliAna were way to small, and Danilka was the only older brother.  No-one was bossing him around, and no-one told him no, and he was a leader. Actually we were working with Danilka, and talking to him about bossing(he was the one bossing around others at school, or with his friends ).  Also Danilka and Danik has competition going on, who is helping more mom, and who did what! Danilka does much better with Danik then Stasik. 
Danilka learning to share, and think, and care about his brothers. I know it will take a while for boys to start truly care about each other.  Danilka is doing awesome job, and we are proud of him. It's not easy to have this huge change, even he was preparing himself, and we did talk a lot about boys before they came home. 

Danik is going great. He is the one who always a side, and I think it will take a while for him to warm up to us. He loves animals, like to play with  ElliAna. Danik is very quiet, and very protective of his younger brother Stasik. I can't say a lot yet, we are still trying to get to know him. He is a great boy! I love him very much!

Stasik is loud, sometimes hard to control(but we have it under control now:)). He is a leader, and I think this is why it's harder for Danilka. Stasik can get on your hurt nerve if you let him. He is starting to play more with Denny and ElliAna, and I love to see them play together. He is 7 year old, and when we just brought him home, he didn't' show any interest in his younger siblings. Today they do play well together! I love him, and so happy to have these boys as my kids, and have opportunity to parent them.

Denny and Elliana, they love kids. They love their new brothers. I think they are still little to fully understand, and both of them does well and handle changes easy. I am very proud of Denny, and his new skills to share :))

My parents and kids
 On 4th of July evening. :) They are very sleepy, especially Sergey

They are all trying to kiss daddy :) wake him up :)

One day Sergey and I were at the house, and when we looked outside we saw this picture :)

We are doing great. We haven't done anything major. First two days we had my parent over(they came from Oregon to visit us, and meet boys). We had a party at our house, and boys did well. For 4th of july, we didnt' go anywhere and stayed home all day. We are trying to take it easy, and get to know each other better! Thankful to God for every day!

1 comment:

  1. Love this update with pictures. Glad everything is going so well.

