Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Real or not real

Today on our way to the store we had conversation about Santa. 
Danik: " Mommy, Santa is not real! Is it true?"
Danilka: " If you believe in Santa he will come"
Me: "Danik, if you believe in Santa, he will be real as long as you believe, and now you have a  family, many of your dreams will come true"

 (Danik and Stasik were hosted this last winter, and spend Christmas in America)

Danik: "When we were in  America for Christmas, and we spend time with "mom" and "dad", they told us that Santa will come but  I saw hosting family, "mom"and "dad" and they brought all the presents in, and Santa is not real"
 Stasik: " All our previous families were not real, our parents were not real, we never had holidays and Santa was not real and now we have a REAL family,REAL mom and REAL dad, and Santa is real, DO YOU GET IT? DO YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE ?! DO YOU FEEL A DIFFERENCE"?!!!

This words brought tears to my eyes, I got chills. Stasik has this innocence, he always says what he thinks. And I just love this little boy:)

*******Our boys were hosted two times, and been in 4 different families during their stays in US. Families couldn't handle them(this is what we been told) and they were moved to a different families. Boys were hoping to be adopted for 2 years, and they had many moms and dads. Especially Danik, he still calls his hosted parents "mom" and "dad". Also sometimes he does refer to his foster parents, as mom and dad. It will take some time for boys to finally understand and know that we are their REAL FAMILY.
Every child needs REAL DADDY and REAL MOMMY,  and I think Stasik really know the DIFFERENCE between having real and not real. :)))

1 comment:

  1. It is soooo sad that they had so many families!
    Alli was adopted TWICE by other families and they all disrupted because they couldn't handle her. We Adore her and her fiestiness is what helped her survive! She just needed some "tweaking!" :)

    Host families really need to be educated on how to handle children from orphanages! They are NOT bad children! They just need love and guidance.
