Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I just want to share and document this day, 9-8-12, after  two month being home, I cut Stasik's toenails for first time. I know it doesn't' sound big, but it's huge.... Also there is no more scary little boy, we have happy, and confident Stasik.

While adopting boys,  we talked to his foster mom, , she said that she never in 2 years cut Stasik's  finger or toe nails, Stasik would bite all nails off . I can imagine and picture biting off his fingernails, but how do you get to your toenails ? Yes, Stasik did it, and no matter how many times caregivers talked to him, and asked him not to do it, he would still do it. Most of the time he would do it during night time, or every time when he is alone.

When he first came to our house, he would tell me every evening before bedtime that he is really scared. Stasik would not even go to the bathroom at night by himself , he always asked his brother to go with him. During a day Stasik would not even walk in the bathroom, because lights were off, he would ask anyone, and many times our 2 year old would go and turn on light for him. He would never stay in the room by himself, or even brush his teeth in the bathroom by himself. It was bad.... Only after around 4 weeks being home, Stasik shared and told me that he was scared that his "dad" would find him, and come for him. Both boys tried to tell me their story, but they still don't' want to talk about their past, they are still not ready. This is heartbreaking, and really sad. It took some time to explain to our boys that no one will come for them, and we are their family forever.

****back in the orphanage, boys foster mom shared, that Stasik started to wet his bed, and would not go to the bathroom by himself even during day....He would go in the trash can, or bed, or something else. He was scared.

About 3 weeks ago, after talking many times with boys that they are safe, I heard from Stasik one evening , Mom I am not scared anymore! I am so proud of him, and thankful to our God! Stasik was so proud of himself, and was repeating this every day, every evening for almost two weeks. We never had any wet accidents since we brought boys home. I was really worried about Stasik wetting everything around him for first few weeks, but there were not even one accident!:)

Yesterday all kids went to bed, and 2 hours later I was still in the kitchen when I heard one of the bedrooms doors opening, and I saw Stasik. He was by himself, and was  going to the bathroom with out his brother! I am so happy, and we are proud of Stasik!

I think that Stasik just got a huge step forward! I am so proud of him!


  1. I love this story Tatyana. You guys are such a blessing to these kids. It is great to see the kids emerge and blossom when they finally feel safe and secure.


  2. Oh that is just WONDERFUL!!!! I am so happy that you and your husband are sensitive to the boys not being ready to talk. Some people try to force their children into "counseling" and I think the results can be disastrous.
    You are doing GREAT!!!!
    It took our Sarah almost 2 years before she would use the bathroom alone even in the day time. She was so afraid. :(
    The things our children have been through sometimes seems so surreal.
    But it is VERY REAL.
    So proud of Stasik! Tell him the Minich's are PROUD of him!

  3. It is so neat to read about the improvements with your children. We continue to pray for you guys!

  4. Wow! So hard to listen to our children's stories as they reveal them to us! We still keep the light on at night for Z who has been home 5 years. It's diminished in how many and how bright, but he still has a night light and the bathroom light is ALWAYS on. I'm sure the electric company loves us!
    You are doing great Mama!

  5. Thank you everyone for your prayers, and all your comments. Everyday I pray for wisdom from God. I really thing we got best boys, and it's really easy to parent them (not) :) We are very busy with school and many other things.
