Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our family-respite care

Two weeks ago God opened a completely new world for us, for our family-respite care. We accepted two new additions to our family. Respite care is something new for all of us.

God been always working on my and Sergey hearts to serve Him . We do want to listen to God and serve Him with all our life.

First week of February we were planning and more planning for new additions to our already seems like a full life! Yes, our life is full, busy, crazy but I guess there is always room for more, for more blessings from our God.

February 3rd, we met two boys, two Bulgarian beautiful boys. E is 8 year old, and his brother D is 5. For two weeks now, we are parents for 7 children, all under age of 10, 6 boys and 1 girl.  This two weeks were very hard emotionally. We were ready for these boys, and knew that these children will come with a lot of trauma and baggage, and yes they do have many many problems. We already see many positive changes in two weeks, but still have many areas to work on and it will be a long road.

Boys are very smart , but because of not enough care (in early years of their life) their development is very behind. Older boy E is 8 but very behind in all areas. Most of the time he is acting like 3-4 year old and younger boy D is 5 but acting like 2 year old. They were adopted about two month ago by very nice family but unfortunately parents cant' take care of them any more and had to make this hard decision to find a respite care. Please don't' judge as we never been in this family shoes. They are very nice, generous people but  cant' meet boys needs. Please pray for them, they need a lot of prayers.

I do have a permition from parents to share some info about boys, and I will try to share often about our progress, problems and just every day life. Please pray for our family!


  1. Praying for your family, these boys and where God is leading.


    1. Thank you! We need lots of prayers.

  2. Oh, Tanya,hang in there. You are one amazing woman with very kind heart! May God bless you and your family with SIX boys :)

    1. Thank you! :) God is changing hearts. Yes, SIX boys is great but also a challenge:)

  3. How is respite care going? You are AWESOME!

    1. Thank you for thinking about us. We are doing good, will try to find time to post updates. God is AWESOME :)

  4. Oh Tatyana! I had no idea you were doing this last month. I was selfishly missing you at the woman's retreat. I am so sorry the children are more than their family can handle at the time. So good you speak their language too. Prayers for wisdom for you and their family.
