Friday, February 8, 2013

Late Happy 5th Birthday Denny!

I know it's February already, and I am so late on my post. I do have a lot  to share, but there is just not enough time. We all got a bad flu a day after Denny birthday, which was mid January. We are all went through a fever(except Danilka), and coughing, and just being week and now feeling well. We just recovered, everyone started to feel better, and looks like there is something coming back again. Please no more flu...its hard with so many kids.

I want to say Happy Birthday to our firstborn, Denny! Happy Birthday Denny! We love you, and so happy to have you in our life! Your are already 5 years old, I can't believe this, where all the time went !?


  1. Happy birthday! What a cool cake! Can't wait for you to share!

  2. Sorry to hear you guys were sick. Happy Birthday to your handsome boy. That cake looks delicious!

    Time does go by so quickly. Trying to embrace every moment before it is gone.

