Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break-Keeping kids busy

Kids do have a spring break, but we do some school work everyday. All kids do math, and who knows how to read, they have reading time. I think one great thing about big family is that kids play with each other, keeping each other busy, and there is always someone to play with. I usually help and work with every child during day, on things they need help.

We need to patch DA's eye, to help hims with his vision.  Spring is here and Denny's allergies are back, he has bad allergies, swollen and itchy eyes. When one of his eye started to get worst (he was rubbing too much), Denny request a patch on his eye. Actually it did stop him from rubbing in more, and now his eye is back to normal. They had fun to walk and play together. 

Kids love chalks, and we let them to get creative outside. Hopefully by the time summer will come, we will put a big chalk board outside for kids, and they will have even more fun.

DA wrote ABC and playing "school" with others. 

 Later I saw this picture, Princess is playing "school" :) EE was her first student

Later she got more student. 
 This is picture of our almost almost 3 year old ElliAna. Very creative and colorful.
 This is same picture done by DD, and he is 5,5 years old. I really hope and praying that his world will become more colorful and his pictures will be same as ElliAna's. This little boys needs a lot of love and help.
Learning to cuddle. He was dancing with big kids, and hit himself with remote. He was crying and came for comfort. 

Happily  playing! Very happy child :)

Last two days DJ is working a lot on his LEGO's. 

Dancing on Wii. 

Just playing in the living room. 

DJ love basketball, and EE showing a lot of interest too. They play very well together.

My "twins", they weight the same, same size of clothes, and of these "twins" is not even 3 years old, and other one is 5,5 year old. They love to play together. 

SN and Denny.  

Dont' let them out :) Please :)

Most of the time they are together. DA is very gentle and taking good care of babies. 

 Playing ball, oldest and youngest :)

My smiley boy:)

One of the favorite things to do, cutting newspapers. 

Daddy home from work, kids loves to spend some time with him.

 EE doing math. He is doing really good! Very proud of him!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun, noisy, big happy family! :)
    I love how you let them cut and draw and explore all kinds of art! :)
