Friday, November 9, 2012

Unfocused child

Lately I notice that Danilka  is more than usually-easily distracted and very unfocused. No self motivation, and not putting much effort in whatever he is doing. I started to worry, and tried to look at our life from a side, trying to figure out if there is anything stressful, or unusual is going on in our family, that could affect Danilka. Usually he does give up easily on things(we are working on it) , and if he is bored he has will not try hard enough, but what is going on now it's not the same thing, not my Danilka.

I was so worried that I did wrote an e-mail to Danilka's teacher, just asking how is he doing at school( didn't ask her specifically  , behavior and school work? Her email got me into even more thinking, and trying to figure out what is going on with our son. She said that Danilka is a good boy, and usually tries to do well, and work hard, but lately she just noticed that he is unfocused, and not paying attention at class. He started to score poorly.

I feel bad, I have no idea what is going on, and I really want to help our son. Maybe it's a stage, maybe he is going through some kind of emotional change? Is it temporary? Is his personality changing, will it go away ? :)  Maybe anyone has and idea, or experienced something like this with your kids.  Any suggestions?


  1. Can it be the fact that he just got two new brothers? Are they getting along well? Or maybe it his peers or classmates in school? Does he talk about school? Maybe something is bothering him there? Is he more of a shy kid? I would take him for an ice cream or walk with him to the park, just two of you and try talking to him...

    1. Thank you! Your questions got me thinking more.

      I did talked to him a lot, he just doesn't know. He doesn't' talk much about school, he always been like this, not shy but not talking much. I think a huge part of him not talking, is that it's hard for him to express himself.
      The first thing I thought, it was our new kids, and all the changes, but looks like it's not a case. It's been little bit over 3 month since our boys came home, and all our kids getting along well, helping each other, and playing well together.

      Usually I know what is going on, and why kids act the way they act, and now with Danilka it's something new, and I cant' figure out.

      There was no changes lately, in last 2-3weeks, only that I started talking about homeschooling. Danilka is the one who is most excited to be home, and study home. Actually, I think , I will talk more about homeschooling. Maybe this is what is on his mind?!!!

  2. He sounds like a little boy who is shut down by stress. His burden is heavy and he is giving up because it is too hard. Making his life very simple, and giving him some attainable goals will help to bring him out of his funk.
    He has been home now for a little while and has a good sense of what life is going to be like. It is not abnormal for boys this age to dislike school and prefer recess. :)

    He probably would benefit VERY MUCH from being home with a smaller environment where he can explore his world safely. :)

  3. I have one quiet and more reserved child. He became more open in his feeling when we started to homeschool him, though he always did good in school. Quetness is just part of his personality and I learned to accept it.

  4. Some times I just keep my guy home one or two days to spend one on one with me and that is all he needs to get going again at school. Praying God gives you wisdom and things come into place soon. Grieving and adjustment to change comes in waves.
