Thursday, January 29, 2015

Life doesn't stop, when I don't blog

Our life is busy, house is noisy and I am never bored or have nothing to do :)

I am trying to get back to blogging, and just post few words and pictures  sometimes.
Like I already mentioned before, we have many relatives and friends who live in different countries, and they like to see pictures.

Here is few pictures from January.

Baby Princess is sick

January 2nd we visited emergency room with our Princess,

We celebrated 2 birthdays,

EE 10th birthday

 Sweet, handsome, with HUGE heart and big smile :) Helpful, curious and mamas baby :)

He was so serious, trying to read what is on his cake :) 

 Favorite color black, loves to sing, likes to play with LEGOS. Loves God

We have some cute superheros around our house

and Denny 7th birthday
 Funnies little boy, loved by everyone, favorite color blue
 Loves homeschooling, and will  get done with his work before everyone else. Helpful, happy and just a boy :)

We have online tutor for 6 kids for, 6 hours each week for English, and 5 kids are having online Math tutoring also. Very busy around here :)

1 kid in speech

2 kids taking piano lessons, we had 3 of our boys in piano but for 1 child it was too much, will try again in September

Denny had his first piano performance in church (will post video later)

2 kids taking guitar lessons

I love homeschooling, and yes, I do feel frustrated, and sometimes don't' know what I am doing, but I see so much progress!

Sergey, attending college, he is taking classes and trying to get degree in HVAC, he is gone from 5 am till 10 pm on most days. I feel like a single mom, and trying to getting use to this, because I know that it will take Sergey to finish his college at least 3 years. We can survive :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tanya,
    How I understand you. I feel the same way. Alex is at school in the morning, and works till almost 11. And when he is home, we have to be super quiet for him to study. They'll get through this with the Lords help. Blessing to you all
