Thursday, October 4, 2012

Explanation to school

Stasik didnt' go to school for last 2 days, for being sick, and today he was feeling his normal, and went to school. He came back with  another citation...  Today, at playground Stasik played with a little stick, and he was throuwing around this wood stick(I think it was branch from a tree). Accidently he hit another student. While trying to explain to other kids, that it was not on purpose, and that it was an accident, he was pointing "wrong finger at her". We been working on this with Stasik for sometime now, since Ukraine he been pointing his middle finger at things, stuff, people and etc. We couldn't get him to start using "correct"finger and we knew that someday it will get him in-trouble. So here we are, trying to explain to others that it's ok for Stasik, and that he really didnt' mean anything bad. We will see tomorrow what his teacher will say to my explanation.


  1. Replies
    1. I know, he was so confuse. Still is :)

  2. I would insist that this be overlooked. My kids pointed like that for six montha after they got home. It takes time to break a habit. Big hugs. :)

    1. Christine, I will try to talk to school more. Yesterday I wrote an explanation, but haven't' heard anything yet. Will try to call school on Monday. I am sick, and my head is not working the way it should, thank you for suggestion. I am wondering if this is just him, or it has to do with the way his childhood went?!!!

  3. Our little boy (age 7 when we brought him home) used that finger all the time in Ukraine (knowing it was inappropriate and using it inappropriately purposefully). For the first several MONTHS he was home he continued to use his finger (much to my dismay:() The school overlooked this along with many other of his inappropriate behaviors knowing that we were trying to help him develop new habits. All this to say that I agree with Christine, the school should definitely overlook this especially because it was/is unintentional. Even if it is intentional, they should be helping him and reminding him to simply point with another finger. He is learning a new skill and they should be just as patient with him as they would be when they are teaching him the alphabet, for example.
