Tuesday, February 2, 2016

There is life after adoption!

Dear Mom, Adoptive Mom!

Let me share something with you........ I had all these thoughts in my heart, and I  wanted to share. I wrote this more than 9 months ago, and since that time we added two more kids to our family through adoption. Today, I am finally ready to post this...


You think you are failing, and you are about to give up,

You are tired of being lied to,

You are tired of your kids being manipulative,

You are tired of them stealing,

You are tired of fighting,

You are tired of reminding your child over and over again simple rules,

Your children know all the rules, and constantly break them,

You are tired of yourself feeling always frustrated,

You often cry yourself to sleep,

You have no one to share, no one  to talk to, because no one will understand,

You are tired of empty promises,

There are good days, there are good moments, there are moments when you think it all worse it, but those moments are so rare. You love your child unconditionally, but......
Sometimes it feels like it never going to end, and that your life will never be the same, peaceful, and why you even struggling,
You asking yourself, why am I even here, this is not my life, I was trying to do what God asking everyone to do, help an orphan. I had good intentions! Why God, why?! I thought that if we adopt, we will live happily ever after....Yes, everyone has issues, everyone has problems but nothing, nothing what we are going through.....

Adopting, and bringing a child home is not an easy thing to do...There is a lot going on....

There is a lot going on in the spiritual world! YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR THIS CHILD'S SOUL!!!

Believe me, these kids had and have no one. If you will give up, then no one else will care. God gave us this child on purpose, there is purpose for everything. Yes, sometimes   we questioned ourselves, am I able, am I strong enough, God are you sure you want me to go through this?

Yes, if not you than WHO?!

God opened your eyes to see, He gave you His eyes! You see a need, you noticed those little "people", you see the orphan crisis all over the world! So......


Who will stand up?

Who will fight?

This whole adoption thing is hard...it is draining all the strength....sometimes fights are long, and not rewarding...it is hard...

There is life after adoption!  There is hope for your family!There is hope for our children! God is with us, and He will give us wisdom!

Yes, maybe your life is not going to looks like your neighbor's life, but it will be "new normal" for your family! And your family will be happy in your "new normal"!

***Our fight is not over....we are struggling a lot....our family life is far from normal.....but we know who we are fighting for....our children! God's children! I love what I do, and most of the time it is very very hard....but....I love what I do, and would not change for anything!


There is hope,

There is light,

There is future!

With God we can do anything!

1 comment:

  1. Love your heart!
    Great words of encouragement.
