Monday, September 22, 2014

Our hosting experience

Many people are asking us about our hosting experience. And I would like to share more, and if anyone has any questions will be happy to answer them.

Who been following our blog for at least a little while, knows that we were hosting Alisa, 15 year old Ukrainian beautiful girl over this summer.
We had many worries, we were praying hard, we were not sure and didn't know if all will go well or not.

As many of you know, we did our first adoption out of birth order, actually all our adopting are out of birth order. :) And still we were a little worried about how everything will turned out, and how our boys will react to having someone older than them at the house.
Especially our DJ(our oldest), was against it. He always reminded us that he is the oldest and want to stay this way. When we told him that God keep telling us and we have in our hearts to host a 15 year old girl, he was not happy. We were thinking and deciding between me and Serg, and when we already had Alisa in mind , we talked to all the kids, especially we had many talks with DJ.

We all sat down by our computer and had photo-listing open with all the kids on it. Then we asked DJ and our kids, "Can you just look and tell us which older girl you think will be a good fit/you like the most on this photo-listing?" All our kids looked through about 30-40 orphan faces, who were listed on that photo-list, and DJ pointed to Alisa. You should of see my and Serg faces :) It was one more confirmation and God's way of showing us that everything will be ok, and Alisa is the one.

We had many many more worries while preparing. I was  worry about everything, what she will be like? What kind of foods will she like? Will she enjoy her time with us? How will she react to small house packed with so many kids? Like I said, we had many many worries.

All our worries went away when she got here. We had awesome summer, and hoping to see her again. We were planning to adopt her, but she has a Ukrainian foster family, and she already living with them. Alisa has many relatives, and they all against her going to America. Alisa liked her time her, she liked our family and we all bonded well. We miss her so much, but believe that God had a plan. I am not sure who were blessed more our family or Alisa. She especially bonded well with our oldest DJ and our baby ElliAna.

We always will love her, and no matter where our life will take us, we always be her family.

Sweet girls

1 comment:

  1. So nice to hear what a positive experience this was for all of you. Hope Alisa is doing well and that you are able to keep in touch.
